How to reduce the gap between teeth naturally at home?

How to reduce the gap between teeth naturally at home

If you are looking for How to reduce the gap between teeth naturally at home, then this article is for you.

The condition

In a layman’s language we call space between the teeth as ‘teeth gaps’, however, the medical term for the same is ‘diastema’. This is the dental condition where there is a visible gap between the teeth, commonly between the two upper incisors although it can be between any teeth in the denture. Teeth gaps or Diastema can be blamed to heredity, missing teeth in the jaw or childhood habits like thumb sucking or tongue thrusting. However, the main cause of teeth gaps is often seen as the discrepancy between the tooth size and the jaw bone.

When the two do not complement each other in the right way, problems like diastema, crooked teeth and poor bite start to develop. Improper alignment of teeth can further lead to speaking difficulties, gum diseases and chewing difficulties. It is also gets tough to maintain proper oral care as brushing and flossing becomes difficult to reach every corner of the jaw with poorly arranged teeth.

For a few, teeth gaps aren’t a matter of concern as they believe it to be a part of their personality and flaunt it without hesitation. But for many, diastema or teeth gap can lower their self-esteem and make them conscious of their appearance at social gatherings. When we talk about the solutions to how to reduce the gap between the teeth, we wish for a natural way that could reduce the gap and lift up facial aesthetics by closing the gap.

But closing the gap between the teeth is not as easy as filling cement between the bricks. There are not any home remedies that you can adopt to fix diastema. This dental condition needs doctor supervision and appropriate treatment. Proper dental treatment is the only way to fix diastema.

Let’s discuss in detail:

How to reduce the gap between teeth naturally at home? | Are treatments available at a dentist?

Traditional Ways:

  1. Metal braces: When it comes to reducing the gap between the teeth or teeth straightening treatment, people can only think of traditional metal braces that claim to be the most reliable and accurate teeth straightening devices. The metal braces are affordable and can work effectively on any dental condition be it mild, moderate or complex. Reducing the gap between the teeth is not a difficult task to fulfil through metal braces. However, what makes the treatment journey difficult are the metal wires that make them aesthetically unpleasing, the pain that becomes unbearable sometimes and the nature of the metal that causes lesions on the gums and inner lip linings. No matter how effective and affordable metal braces treatment is, it costs the patient hugely on the emotional and physical tolerating capacity
  2. Dental implants: When diastema is due to tooth loss, it can be corrected through dental implants. This condition usually occurs when a patient loosed a tooth by accident or it falls out due to ageing. Dental implants are fixed in the jawbone and an artificial tooth/crown is then fixed on the implant. The artificial tooth is fixed to the implant through screws and is of the same colour as that of your teeth. Although, they may sound like an effective answer to the much-asked question ‘how to fill gap between the teeth?’ but the problem with dental implants is that they can cause surgical complications and are expensive too.
  3. Bridge: Dental Bridge is pretty much similar to crowns but the difference lies in the fact that the bridge contains more than one tooth segment. A dental bridge is also placing a false tooth in place of missing teeth like a dental implant but the tooth is not fixed to the gum through screws rather it is held by adjacent teeth to retain the proper position. It acts as a bridge between the two adjoining teeth and the missing tooth. The artificial tooth is also of the same colour as of the other teeth making it look like a natural tooth but the drawback here is that its colour could fade over time. Moreover, there is a higher probability of tooth decay and cavities in surrounding teeth in the dental bridge treatment.
  4. Veneers: If you are wondering how to fix gaps in front teeth without braces? Then veneers can be the answer for it! A gap between the teeth that is an average size of 1-3mm can easily be fixed by veneers. Veneers act as wall between the teeth to close the gap. They are thin sheets of porcelain that cover the gap between the teeth. The problem with veneers is that they can increase teeth sensitivity and they do not last for more than 10 years. For an expensive treatment like this ten years guarantee is too short.
  5. Dental bonding: It is the treatment where the teeth gap is filled via resin and hardened by a special light that bonds the resin with the adjoining teeth. The dental bonding works effectively in case of chipped teeth and for smaller teeth gaps. Although, dental bonding is cheap and highly effective but it may not last long enough. The dental bond comes off over time.

Modern Ways:

Dental aligners: The advancement in dental technology and the continuous efforts to make smile correction treatment a hassle-free process led to the invention of clear aligners. When people were frantically looking for an answer to how to close gap between the teeth through a process that could make their treatment journey painless and easy, clear aligners came in as the perfect treatment procedure that met all their requirements.

Call them clear aligners or invisible braces or dental aligners, all the names indicate the same thing, invisible and proper alignment. Clear aligners have been exclusively crafted to offer patients suffering from dental conditions like diastema, crooked teeth and poor bite, an effective and non-intrusive treatment.

The distinctive features of clear aligners that make them the most sought-after teeth straightening treatment of current times are listed below.

  • Clear aligners are made from a high-grade medical polymer which renders them an invisible or clear look. The patient is free of any embarrassment as no one can easily tell that the person is undergoing any braces treatment.
  • Clear aligners can be removed while eating and drinking food items of your choice.
  • They are easy to clean, and the sturdy material makes them crack-resistant.
  • Since aligners are removable, maintaining oral hygiene becomes a lot more easier and effective leading to reduced dental caries which are very common during orthodontic treatment.
  • They have smooth finish and therefore are soft on gums. They do not cause cuts or pain during the treatment.
  • Aligner sets are custom designed for each patient providing a snap fit for both upper and lower case of the patient.

We have discussed it all, the modern as well as the traditional way to rectify teeth gaps and other teeth alignment problems. But what about the most frequently asked question ‘how to close a gap in your teeth at home?’ One might think it isn’t practically possible because the dental intervention is necessary for fixing the teeth properly. We do agree that fixing teeth properly needs doctor supervision but what if the problem is addressed at home itself?

The latest teeth straightening devices, the clear aligners, can fix the gap between the teeth effectively even at the comfort of your home. There are many clear provider companies in India that offer clear aligner services at your doorstep. The treatment involves a 3D oral scan by the company technician at home and the treatment consultation is done largely through teledentistry.

This way, minor dental conditions can be treated through clear aligners at the home itself. However, we do not advise patients to readily choose them without considering that teeth straightening or filling gaps between the teeth is a medical process where the doctor’s supervision is highly important. Tele-dentistry cannot match up to one-on-one doctor consultation any day.

Moreover, not all clear aligner providers in India are certified and authorised to provide clear aligner treatment at home. Untrained technicians or unqualified staff of the company can hamper the treatment process and can make the patient suffer hugely by causing irreparable loss to the teeth and their roots. Hence, if you are searching for an answer to ‘how to fix the gap in front teeth without braces’ then also search for certified clear aligner companies in India before making the move!