What Type of Braces Work the Fastest?

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    Ever wished that a magic wand would appear and change your smile in a split second? Well, you are not alone! Most people who wish to get their teeth aligned hope for getting the teeth aligned in the shortest time. This brings us to a question most you may be wondering – “What type of braces work the fastest?”


    The Fastest Braces

    When you visit your orthodontist for getting your teeth aligned, you will be presented with many options for your treatment– from traditional metallic and ceramic braces, lingual braces to self-ligating braces and invisible braces (also called clear aligners). Before we get to the fastest type of braces, you must know that orthodontic treatment takes time– there is no quick fix when your treatment duration depends on the severity of your case.


    However, among the many braces options available today, clear aligners or invisible braces are said to be the fastest. The average treatment time with clear aligners is around one year, with some simple cases that get completed in as little as three months.

    Reasons that make these braces the fastest type of braces include:

    • They apply mild yet constant forces on your teeth to move them into alignment
    • They are used to treat mild to moderate cases
    • Due to their invisible nature, many patients are enthusiastic about wearing them
    • Since clear aligners do not have any brackets or wires, there are no breakages that can delay the treatment as is seen commonly with other fixed types of braces
    • Fewer orthodontist visits as compared to other types of braces

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      What are Clear Aligners– The Fast Braces?

      Clear aligners or invisible braces are transparent, plastic, custom-made trays that need to be worn on upper and lower teeth to move teeth into alignment. These trays arrive in sets and need to be worn as per the dentist’s instructions. Apart from being the fastest type of braces, there are many advantages of clear aligners that make them popular orthodontic treatment options. These include:

      • They are the most aesthetic braces as they are completely invisible when worn on teeth, even from close distances.
      • They are removable, which makes them convenient. During your orthodontic treatment with clear aligners, you can eat your favourite foods and brush and floss normally.
      • Clear aligners are extremely comfortable as they lack any brackets or wires.

      Also Read: Invisalign Cost in India


      Other Fast Braces Options

      While there is no doubt that clear aligners are the fastest type of braces and help you get well-aligned teeth and a beautiful smile in just a short period of time. However, another type of braces, called self-ligating braces, is also faster than conventional metal and ceramic braces. These braces can help you complete your orthodontic treatment around 6 months earlier than traditional metal and ceramic braces.

      Self-ligating braces do not require elastics and rubber bands to hold the wire in place. They are also smaller and way more comfortable than traditional braces. Self-ligating braces are available in both metal and ceramic variants.

      Takeaway Message!

      If you are looking out for the fastest braces that can help you achieve your dream smile in the shortest period of time, contact us at Aligners India today! Our clear aligners are the most popular and effective aligners in India today for their high success rate, comfort, convenience and affordable costs.

      Learn More: Invisible Braces Cost in India

      Why Are More Adults Undergoing Orthodontic Invisible Treatment?

      32 Watts Clear Aligner

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        Around 30 years ago, the number of adult patients who turned up for orthodontic treatment was around 1% of the total patients. However today, the number of adult patients seeking orthodontic treatment is around 50% in some clinics. So, why are more adults undergoing orthodontic invisible treatment? Aren’t braces only for the young?


        Well, not really! With the advances in dentistry and orthodontics, adults who missed their train during their younger days can hop on to get their teeth straightened for that flawless smile. Let’s understand more about this phenomenon in this article!


        Why Are More Adults Undergoing Orthodontic Invisible Treatment?

        Even though orthodontic treatment and braces have long been associated with teenagers, the scenario is rapidly changing today.

        There are many reasons why orthodontic clinics are witnessing a rising number of adult patients. Some of the most common ones include:

        • Adults want to look good

        Many adults dislike their crooked teeth and poor oral hygiene resulting from their teeth alignment. It is common to see adults with poorly aligned teeth covering their mouth while smiling and laughing or avoiding taking up careers that make them customer-facing as they are conscious.


        • Affordability

        Orthodontic treatment has always been looked upon as expensive and the common man could not afford it. But today, there are a large number of options available that are affordable. Also, since adults are earning, they find it more affordable to opt for treatments like clear aligners.


        • Unintrusive treatment options

        A large number of patients believe that orthodontic treatment is painful and intrusive with all brackets, wires and elastics in the mouth. With newer, unintrusive treatment options like clear aligners, more and more adults wish to undergo treatment.


        • Lesser orthodontic visits

        In conventional orthodontic treatment, the patient is required to visit the orthodontist atleast once every 4 weeks. However, with options like clear aligners, you are required to visit your orthodontist once every 6-8 weeks. This fits in well with the busy schedules of adults.


        • To get rid of jaw problems and frequent headaches

        Adults tend to suffer from a lot of headaches and jaw pains. These are often blamed on increased stress and poor ergonomics. However, many a time, these issues are due to poor bite and teeth alignment. To get rid of these chronic aches, many adult patients are getting orthodontic treatment.

        Learn More: invisalign cost india

        Top Reasons Why Adults Must Get braces

        If you are an adult and are still contemplating whether to get braces or not, here are some reasons why you must go for it:

        • Boost your self-confidence

        No matter how old you are, having a great amount of self-confidence is essential to get by. Many adults shy away from social gatherings or making their first move in their personal and professional lives due to badly aligned teeth.

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          • Improved Oral Health

          Having straight, well-aligned teeth can help you maintain good oral hygiene easily because straight teeth are easier to clean and floss!

          • Orthodontic Treatment doesn’t take ages

          Surprising, right? Well, due to the advances in technology and options, orthodontic treatments today don’t take long to complete. You can have your well-aligned smile in a few months too!


          • A large number of treatment options

          There is something for everyone when it comes to braces for adults. Right from conventional metallic and ceramic braces to the invisible aligners, you can take your pick!

          Read More: aligners cost in india

          Options Available to Adults for Orthodontic Treatment

          One of the biggest reasons why people avoid orthodontic treatment is because no one wants to wear an ugly metallic smile. This is because adults are way more conscious about their appearance than kids and teenagers.

          Today, adults have a lot of braces options to choose from than they had a few years ago. These include:

          • Ceramic braces

          These braces are made from ceramic and because they are tooth-coloured, they are less conspicuous than metallic braces. Tooth-coloured wires are available for those who do not want a metal wire.


          • Self-ligating braces

          These braces are usually smaller in size. The wire passes through a small metal clip in these brackets due to which elastics are not required to be placed. Lack of elastics makes these braces far less conspicuous than traditional metal and ceramic braces.


          • Lingual braces

          Adults prefer not to show their braces and lingual braces fit their bill right away! These are very similar to conventional braces but are placed on the tongue-side of your teeth. They are always custom-made for each patient. However, due to its placement on the inner side of your teeth, lingual braces can be uncomfortable and cause trouble in speech too.

          Clear Aligners

          • Clear aligners/Invisible braces

          By far the best option for adults who wish to get their teeth straightened. Clear aligners, also called invisible braces, are transparent trays that, when worn on upper and lower teeth, move them into alignment in the most inconspicuous way possible.

          The trend of the growing adult number of adult patients in orthodontic clinics is a clear sign that more and more people today understand the importance of having straight, well-aligned teeth. If you think braces are only for kids and teenagers, think again!

          With multiple treatment options, especially clear invisible braces, you can have your dream smile most comfortably and conveniently possible. Ready to get your orthodontic treatment? Contact AlignersIndia today!